Terry Horton Coaching

Deep Listening

I’ve been reading a new book called Tomorrowmind: Thriving at Work with Resilience, Creativity, and Connection – Now and in the Uncertain Future by Gabriella Rosen Kellerman and Martin Seligman. One of the authors, Dr. Seligman, is the founder of Positive Psychology. Before his work,...

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Set Your Intention for Well-being and Joy

There is a quote from neuroscientist Dan Siegel:

“[W]hen you get in touch with your intention to develop more well-being and joy, your brain is primed to look for opportunities that will support it.”

It’s like when your friend shows you her brand new red Mini Cooper, and you...

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The Year of Radiant Health

I did a thing this week: I went to my primary care provider, and I caught up on all the labs, screens, and referrals I’ve been putting off. Is it just me, or did you delay preventive healthcare appointments in the last few years? Well, if you ARE like me, take this blog as a sign: get your...

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Upgrade Your Thinking With These Three Steps

One of the beauties of the human mind is that we benefit from metacognition: thinking about thinking. When you take the time to notice your thoughts, you can identify habitual patterns of thinking that aren’t true, don’t serve you, keep you small, or stuck. In his book The Power of...

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Don't Worry Alone

I sometimes notice my clients living in a future state of worry. Worry isn’t usually about what’s happening right now. It’s about what could happen in the future. It’s easy to give away your peace to some possible future where things don’t turn out well. However,...

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Create a Compelling Vision for the Future

A lot of life coaching is about creating a compelling vision for the future and stepping into it.  Visualizing that future where you’ve already made the changes you’re trying to make now, where you’ve already rewired your brain and your heart for greater equanimity, and...

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Tara Brach and Sticky Thoughts

Tara Brach, the author and meditation teacher, describes habitual ways of thinking that don’t serve you as “sticky thoughts.” They’re the habitual thoughts that don’t help you but stick to you – they’re on repeat. These are usually thoughts that are...

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Year of Yes

Shonda Rhimes has a great Ted Talk from 2016 (and an eventual book), where she says,

“For one year, I would say yes to all the things that scared me. Anything that made me nervous, took me out of my comfort zone, I forced myself to say yes to…. And a crazy thing happened: the very...

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Being Creative Makes You Happier

This month, I've noticed an extra dose of stress in myself and my clients. My go-to's for stress management are getting enough sleep, meditation, exercise, and shifting my perspective from "this is too much" to "I only have to do one thing at a time." I've noticed recently I've added another:...

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Do you Have an Upper Limit Problem?

Gay Hendricks, in his book, The Big Leap, has an excellent concept that I’d love to share with you: your Upper Limit Problem.

Hendricks describes this phenomenon with the analogy of an inner thermostat. “Each of us has an inner thermostat setting that determines how much love,...

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The Full Catastrophe

Have you ever had a week where your pet needs to go to the vet, the car needs to go to the mechanic, and the washing machine needs to be replaced? We’ve just had one of those weeks at my house. These converging challenges reminded me of the title of Jon Kabat-Zinn’s fabulous book,...

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Gratitude as a Practice

Have you ever thought, “I should be grateful?” You may have noticed that the obligation of that thought isn’t always inspiring. Instead, I might offer gratitude as a practice that you get to choose to cultivate over time. Why might this be useful? We all have a negativity bias...

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Suffering = Pain x Resistance

Have you ever found yourself suffering over some external circumstance that you have no control over? If you want to lighten your load, consider dropping the resistance. There is this lovely formula that I first heard from the wonderful Mindfulness and Self-Compassion author and researcher Shauna...

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Bad things happening? Try the three gifts technique

One of my favorite coaches and authors, Shirzad Chamine, shares a tip to reclaim your Sage perspective – your inner wise perspective – when things seemingly “go bad.” The idea is that when your brain perceives the outcome of a situation as bad, you must immediately get...

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What type of journey of growth and adventure is calling you?

I met Doug Smith when I worked at Canyon Ranch Tucson. He and his co-author Ken Murphy have written two books on happiness and thriving. Doug has a great quote: 

“Resist the siren call to stay where you are in some seemingly comfortable spot, rather than embarking on a...

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What's Your Relationship With Money?

Many of my clients have been struggling with stress about money. Your account balances can feel like they define your self-worth. Yet, the pressure can come from a feeling of having too little, but many times it’s coming from a feeling of having too much. These feelings are almost always...

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