Terry Horton Coaching

Baby Steps, Habit Stacking, and Who You Choose to Be

Do you feel like you know what you should be doing, but you’re just not doing it? We’ve all got a version of that in some area of life. But what to do about it? Try baby steps, habit stacking, and identity.

Often your brain is balking because you're saying something scary like,...

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Practice Words of Affirmation for Yourself

Words of affirmation sometimes get a bad rap, yet neuroplasticity points to the genius of this practice. Many of us have wired our brains for unhelpful self-deprecating thoughts. If you can wire your brain for negative thinking, you can also rewire your brain for habitual thoughts of compassion...

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Feeling Stressed? Try the 4-7-8 Relaxing Breathing Technique

If you’re stressed these days, a simple technique can help you reset. Try Dr. Weil’s famous relaxing breathing technique. This is a yoga breath that can help you to destress. Dr. Weil says it can help you lower your blood pressure and anxiety. It’s called the 4-7-8 breath:...

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Four Habits of Happy People

What’s getting in the way of living your best life?

I know you know this: it could be you. Your daily habits of thought and behavior may be causing you to feel stuck, unhappy, or unfulfilled. That doesn’t sound good.

How do you want to feel? When I ask this question, the answer is...

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