Terry Horton Coaching

Baby Steps, Habit Stacking, and Who You Choose to Be

Do you feel like you know what you should be doing, but you’re just not doing it? We’ve all got a version of that in some area of life. But what to do about it? Try baby steps, habit stacking, and identity.

Often your brain is balking because you're saying something scary like,...

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How might you check in with your head, your heart, and your gut?

I often notice clients exclusively leaning on their cognitive skills while ignoring their emotional reaction or knowing something intuitively is a bad idea, yet agreeing anyway because intellectually, it seems correct. Your cognition, emotions, and intuition all get to be honored as you move...

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Joy is an inward state that is always available

Joy is an inward state that is always available. Yet, it can be hard to remember to access it. The Book of Joy is a lovely book by His Holiness the Dalia Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The book references emotions associated with joy: pleasure, amusement, contentment, excitement, relief,...

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Is it time for a retreat?

I once had the chance to spend a month at Esalen Institute as a member of their residential extended education program. Excellent organic food from the garden, lovely hiking, the beauty of Big Sur, world-famous Esalen massages, and the hot springs. I was young and poor at the time, so the...

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Joy and Gratitude are an Intriguing Upward Spiral

I finally picked up a copy of Brené Brown’s book, “Atlas of the Heart.” It’s a beautiful anthology of human emotions.

I immediately flipped to the section on joy and found this lovely excerpt:

“Researchers describe the relationship between joy and gratitude as...

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Pema Chödrön is the bomb

I’ve been rereading Pema Chödrön’s excellent little book, “How to Meditate: A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind,” and the title of Chapter Seven struck me: “You Are Your Own Meditation Instructor.” She says that an instructor...

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Practice Words of Affirmation for Yourself

Words of affirmation sometimes get a bad rap, yet neuroplasticity points to the genius of this practice. Many of us have wired our brains for unhelpful self-deprecating thoughts. If you can wire your brain for negative thinking, you can also rewire your brain for habitual thoughts of compassion...

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Feeling Stressed? Try the 4-7-8 Relaxing Breathing Technique

If you’re stressed these days, a simple technique can help you reset. Try Dr. Weil’s famous relaxing breathing technique. This is a yoga breath that can help you to destress. Dr. Weil says it can help you lower your blood pressure and anxiety. It’s called the 4-7-8 breath:...

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Four Habits of Happy People

What’s getting in the way of living your best life?

I know you know this: it could be you. Your daily habits of thought and behavior may be causing you to feel stuck, unhappy, or unfulfilled. That doesn’t sound good.

How do you want to feel? When I ask this question, the answer is...

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You are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole.

You are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole.

My coach training offers this beautiful phrase. This concept is a differentiator between coaching and other modalities that might be looking to diagnose, treat, heal, or fix you. There is nothing broken here. You’ve got this.

What shifts...

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How to Be Less Triggered and More Grounded

Do you find yourself triggered and out of sorts by the same repeating behaviors of others at home or work? I’m not talking about the big stuff that has to be addressed and corrected immediately. I’m talking about the little stuff that seems to steal our happiness and peace. This could...

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The One-Hour Retreat Workbook

When was the last time you reflected on where you are now and where you’re going? If you’re like most of us, the last few years have been more challenging than usual, and you might be having a hard time. Give yourself the gift of time and click here to download my One-Hour...

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Top Three Tips for Self-Compassion

Self-compassion is an evidence-based practice for greater happiness and joy. It’s also a lovely antidote to shame and feelings of unworthiness. With these three tips, you get to play around with offering yourself friendliness, kindness, and compassion. See what shifts for you when you do....

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Reclaim your Inner Activist!

Do you remember in your teens and 20s when you cared deeply about all the issues? You probably cared about the environment, women’s issues, democratic elections, and other critical issues. You still care, but mortgages, kids, work, and day-to-day life can get in the way. Let’s face...

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